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Industrial Protocol Convertor
•Ethenet to CAN
•Ethernet to Serial
•Ethernet to RS-485
•Serial to CAN
•Data Logger
•12V to 48V Input Voltage
Intelligent Battery Storage 5-10 KWh
Height: 58cm
Width: 55cm
Depth: 45cm
Weight: 40kg
A Hi-tech and Portable Design System that comes with a -7lnch Display Monitor and Android OS for control and adjustment. The System Status Monitor offers a varieties of useful Template Graphs for better understanding of your data as well as a simple menu to save Backups it comes with a hard plastic Waterproof Transit Case.
Power 40mmX5Omm
•75A ,Up to 36V Fully Electronic Switch
•0.1 A Accuracy in 100A
•0.01 V Voltage Accuracy
•100~ -30 Temp Measure
•9-36V Power Supply
•1 to 36V Switch Input
•CAN BUS Command Professional configuration Software
Intelligent Battery Storage 5-10 KWh
Height: 80cm
Width: 40cm
Depth: 20cm
Weight: 44.3kg
A Powerfull Hi-tech Portable Design with an Intelligent Diagnostics GSM System that automaticallysends the information to our headquarters and your cell phone via its own app worldwide so we will know if there are any issues after they become problems, includes a hard plastic Waterproof Transit Case.
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